Teknikal Diffikulties is the brainchild of Cayenne Chris Conroy. It’s stream-of-conscious adult sketch comedy in the vein of The Firesign Theatre, OTR, & Monty Python. Performing several hundred characters over 500 episodes. With occasional special guests, his wife Sue Grandys, and friend John Henry. Started in Feb 23, 2005 at the beginning of the classic podcast movement.
- https://cayenne.libsyn.com/
- https://twitter.com/Tekdiff
- https://tekdiff.fandom.com/
- https://www.last.fm/music/Cayenne+Chris+Conroy/+tracks?page=1
- https://www.facebook.com/tekdiffpodcast
- https://radio.einherjar.org/
I host an Icecast2 server playing all Teknikal Difficulties episodes on a loop. You can listen using the little radio widget above, or listen to the stream via webpage (https://radio.einherjar.org or https://radio.einherjar.org/TekdiffRadio). It can also be streamed using VLC Media Player, which is available on most electronics (Windows, Mac, IOS, Android, Roku, Firestick, etc.)
All Tekdiff Episodes are hosted locally by permission from Cayenne Chris Conroy.